Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dear everyone,

We - 18 of us, plus me - (chai) had Joe's z''l azkarah Monday, August 16th.,at the home of Hinda and Vic Hoffman. Special hachnasat orchim (welcoming of visitors). They are such giving people.

I think that it went very well. Neal Kaunfer spoke so beautifully, as usual.(We have spent a lot of time together.).

I had hoped to have it taped, but no one had any kind of equipment.

I was afraid that I would cry through it all, but I had a lot to say and was so very touched by everyone - that I did not. I had felt queasy the whole week before.

Returning Sept 1 is now impossible due to the way that B N "worked" - g'nevah, g'nevat daat, a shakran, I have legal advice, and am now waiting for a court date. Early October, I hope.

He has added to my already abundant agmat nefesh (grief).

(I have legal problems, too complex to dicuss here).

The problem is that lawyers and courts go on vacation, and then will not be in session during the hagim, most of September.

Now looming is Rachel's z''l yahrzeit, 15th of Ellul (August 24-25 this year).Just 3 weeks between Joe's z''l yarhrzeit , 24th of Av , and hers.

It's a lot. BUT, I'm OK. Ein b'reirah (no choice). I work very hard at that, being alone.

It is what it is.

I packed 2 wks ago. I'm ready to leave anytime.

I do something special every day - for my head, and DRINK WATER all day in this oppressive and humid heat.

I'm in contact with Hani and Natan regularly. My family.

But, I've been adopted by the Mekonens, the Ethiopian family that I've known for about 17 yrs, since working with them during Mivtsa Shelomo (Operation Solomon, the 14,500 airlift out of Ethiopia).

"Betty, at mishpocha." (Betty, you are family).

I was with them last Friday, exactly 1 year ago that Joe z''l died,and that helped a lot.

Kol tuv,

B'yedidut uv'ahavah,


1 comment:

  1. If you see this comment, I was a student of Rabbi Lukinsky and wrote an obituary for him in my blog. But the image I used of him serving his WA state high holiday congregation is no longer on the internet. Would you or Betty have any pictures of him or them I could display in that post?
